"A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses.” HIPPOCRATES


Illness is a life altering event. It can be acute or continuous, challenging your capabilities to accomplish what you have planned for yourself and your abilities to function at a level that is desirable. Technology has created a medium of self expression, where illness can be communicated and experiences shared. That is the purpose of this blog.

I would not really see my self as suffering from chronic illness per say but I have had Asthma my entire life and at some points it was quite severe especially when I was very young.  That being said I was able to live an active lifestyle playing several sports and eventually playing football at the university level.  I have found lifestyle adjustments to help cope with Asthma like removing all of the carpet from my bed room, avoiding cigarette smoke like the plague and trying to stay active whenever possible.  However, on occasion I still take the medications when necessary even though I find the temporary effects cause more long term deterioration so I use them as little as possible.  I have also explored ways of improving air quality in my house by having several tropical plants (a couple of ferns, mothers-inlaws-tongue, money trees), especially cause I live near a large polluted urban centre.